CBD:THC Salves – Invigorating Your Natural Wellness Regimen

Medicinal cannabis with extract oil in a bottle of Formula CBD THC

Hey there, celestial navigators! We at Eclipse Cannabis Company, are beaming with pride from the heart of Boulder, Colorado, as we actively curate a cosmic collection of cannabis products for your wellness voyage that is seriously stellar. Today, we’ll be embarking on an exploration into the world of CBD:THC salves and why they’re a must-have addition to your natural wellness regimen.


Understanding CBD & THC

Before we explore the world of CBD:THC salves, let’s first review why exactly CBD and THC are staples in the world of wellness. Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is known for its classic benefits such as:

  • aiding stress relief
  • aiding pain relief
  • anti-inflammatory properties
  • easing diabetic complications
  • assisting with sleep


Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC on the other hand, aids in many of the same benefits but additionally offers a psychoactive element, giving the user a euphoric high after consuming. When these two cannabinoids join forces, they potentially amplify their individual properties. 


This is known as the entourage effect, which potentially enhances therapeutic and overall wellness outcomes.


The Power of the CBD:THC Combination

So, you might be wondering how exactly does the entourage effect work? Back in April of 2023, we actually wrote a blog on this! 


Purple green marijuana plant on black background. Colored neon large leaves and buds of cannabis hemp. Hemp bush and empty place for text


As a review, when we consume cannabis, our bodies take in hundreds of botanical compounds. Each one arrives with unique effects and benefits, and their behavior may change in the presence of other compounds.


The entourage effect suggests that all the compounds in cannabis work together, and when taken together, they produce a better effect than when taken alone.


Why choose topical salves?

Are you battling pain or joint inflammation? Do you have a skin condition? Or perhaps, like us, you are a dweller of the high desert with dry skin. If so, a topical salve is just what you must explore next.

Remember, the salve works differently than oil or edibles. Its effects are localized, targeting the applied area. This is because, unlike oils or edibles, the salve doesn’t enter your bloodstream directly.

With that being said, topical salves are perfect for folks looking for highly concentrated localized relief, fast.


Choosing the Right CBD:THC Salve

When venturing into the realm of CBD:THC salves, making informed choices is pivotal for a personalized and effective wellness experience. Consider the following factors when selecting the perfect salve for your needs:


  • CBD:THC Ratio: The balance between CBD and THC in a salve is crucial. Understanding the ideal ratio for your intended effects is key to unlocking the full potential of these cannabinoids.


  • Additional Ingredients: Beyond cannabinoids, take note of the supplementary ingredients. Elements such as essential oils, herbs, or other botanical extracts can enhance the overall effects of the salve, offering a more comprehensive approach to wellness.


  • Quality and Source: Delve into the origins of the cannabis extracts used in the salve. Ensuring the product is sourced from high-quality, reputable suppliers guarantees a more reliable and effective outcome.


CBD:THC Salves We Recommend Here at Eclipse Cannabis Company

While there are many incredible salves out there, there are two in particular that we keep stocked on our shelves, as they’ve proven to be the most effective for our customers: 


  • Highly Edible – Nordic Goddess Salve: Highly Edible is proud to offer its Nordic Goddess Salve infused with 250 mg of CBD and 250 mg of THC. This salve is the be-all, end-all of topical rejuvenation. Straight from the enlivening waters of Valhalla, the Nordic Goddess Salve balances incredibly potent physical relief with invigorating mental uplift.

    Nordic Goddess Salve’s CBD and THC properties allow it to combat inflammation and discomfort as well as unease and unhappiness. Highly Edible’s Nordic Goddess Salve is perfect for thorough full-bodied massages; just thirty minutes under this salve’s spell and you’ll feel as good as new.


  • Coda – Luxury Skin Rejuvenation Soothe Skin Salve: Renew skin with the bright essence of lemon paired with calm lavender and frankincense. Coda’s unique cannabinoid combination, featuring CBC, soothes skin for enhanced relief. The smoothe skin salve is a 400 Mg CBD, 200 Mg THC, and 200 Mg CBC (Calendula, Lemon, Lavender, Frankincense) salve crafted for luxury relief.


Tips for Incorporating CBD:THC Salves into Your Wellness Routine

Now that you’ve got some good information on why CBD:THC salves are your next must-have product to add to your natural wellness regimen, let’s talk about some ideas on how you might add them into your routine: 


  • Implement application of salve into your wellness routine by weaving it into a habit stack. If you haven’t yet read Atomic Habits by James Clear, he talks about crafting a habit stack throughout your day. Adding a designated time period each day to apply your salve is a great way to begin taking your wellness routine to the next level.


  • Combining with Natural Wellness Practices: Elevate your well-being by combining CBD:THC salves with other natural practices. Integrate them into activities like yoga or meditation to create a holistic approach to your daily self-care rituals. The synergies between these practices can amplify their individual benefits, promoting a more profound sense of balance and harmony.


Eclipse Recreational Dispensary: Supporting You on Your Journey of Natural Wellness

As you venture through the cosmos of natural wellness, remember, Eclipse Cannabis Company is here, guiding you through the nebulae and back. Together, let’s explore the infinite possibilities of wellness the universe has to offer. Safe travels, intrepid explorers!


Be sure to check out our full online dispensary menu.

*The contents of this blog are intended for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.*

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